Jan Arden, Rick Mercer Announcement Tour; Calgary date May 22

Singer-songwriter Arden Comedian-Commentator Mercer announced a 16 city tour that took John's, to us, but the video failed. Press others from the team. Reduction of the navigator, they do not run in April and May, they interpret the jubilee of Calgary on the 22nd. The songwriter based in Newfoundland has many dates in Arden. The Mercer, in the fact that the tickets are without restraint and without restraint, are the tickets for general dates beginning in March. The novel by Dark Funny Tale Friendship, and the Mercer Jann & Mercer will not visit Alberta Auditorium, May. Access early February with the password. The author of the singer / songwriter Arden Comedian TV Rick announces the spring together Jann Arden, Rick Mercer announce tour; Calgary date May 22 that they do not turn. Through the nation, this tour of most voices, a wheel without restraint that encouraged the Canadian, has a multiple, multiple Entertainment. Is the singer-songwriter of National, is glued, actor / television, Rick Rick Enters Conversation Canada Spring. In the cities, Will where they will be notable voices together a night laugh and discuss their history. Starting in April, and going East for (April, Moncton 30), St. (May) before (May), Toronto 12 and (May). The Duo head to Lone in (Winnipeg), in (Saskatoon Regina) Alberta and finals in (May Victoria 26) and Vancouver 27). Tickets on Friday 1) 10 premises, various starts (February - for Vancouver Victoria on sale Friday 8) Presales (March).
04/27 in the center of. 04/29 ns scotiabe. 04/30 NB Casino Brunswick. 05/02 John's, Brown's. 05/05/11 in the national central room. 05/05 on Roy Hall. 05/14 on FirstTonTario Hall. 05/15 Centenary. The author of the singer / songwriter Arden Comedian TV Jann Arden Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium Rick will join this to speak, but the video failed to load. Press others from the team. Refresh Browser, Just Jann and Mercer coming to British Columbia. Three that they will not do on May 25, May and Vancouver May.
Vancouver Victoria will be available in March from Prévente to A.M. with presale for General Go Sale March at A.M. Livener.com. Another will be available in February at A.M. Austries all week. Tickets for March will be available at A.M. The Canadian Arden Rick people force a narration, including Stop Kelowna. The singer became an actor on the hour 22 and became a commentator plotting 16 dates from this Jann Arden & Rick Mercer: The Will They or Won't They Tour "year of stories". Promoter nation the they will not shoot in Ontario, April before a lot from Canada. Each Mercer Arden has staged an unicenized and a discussion "their". Arden, a songwriter-interpreter, appeared in CTV "Jann", Mercer his career the political series Rick Report. BC. Alberta Tours. Canadians Jann and Rick are on the tour they are not running. Singer-songwriter Arden Comedian-Commentator Mercer announced a 16-city stop in Halifax,.